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Ahmad Yani Airport Disbursing Health Aid Of 400 Million Rupiah

10 Aug 2016

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Semarang (10/08) - In order to provide the company’s tangible contributions to improving the quality of social and life, particularly in the field of public health, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Ahmad Yani International Airport Branch Semarang implemented mobile health care program.

Mobile health care program is a realization of the program of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang Year 2016. Launching of CSR mobile health services of Angkasa Pura in cooperation with Puskesmas Lebdosari Semarang City Health Office Year 2016, was held in SMP Negeri 31 Tambak Harjo on 10:00-10:30 WIB.

General Manager of Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang, Priyo Jatmiko gave a statement as the opening of the event.    “Aid of CSR program PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Ahmad Yani Airport, in the form of mobile health care is a form of real and commitments as well as the company's concern for the environment in which we operate,” said General Manager.

Mobile health care activities in the operational area of Puskesmas Karangayu and Puskesmas Lebdosari, issued financial aid of Rp 409,700,000. This is a continued activity and additional operational areas of activities of the previous year which ever held implemented in Karangayu, so getting a positive response and enthusiasm from residents of Puskesmas Karangayu.

The event was followed by a speech from Drg. Yuli as a representative of Semarang City Health Office, and also signing of a cooperation agreement between Puskesmas Lebdosari and Karangayu, followed by the inauguration of launching mobile health service activities. *** (Humas SRG/Hpr).